Quilts from the Heart is a quilting ministry that began in 2014, after and in response to the school shooting at Newtown, CT. A group gathered at OOG, wanting to do something to help to bring healing to the family members and loved ones of the victims of that school shooting. That first year 26 quilts were made lovingly and prayerfully, one for each of the victims. The families asked us to do something for other children in honor of their children. The quilters did some research, and learned about the lives of each victim, creating a quilt to celebrate each child or adult. At the one year anniversary of the shooting, the quilts were blessed and dedicated in memory of the 26 persons. Some family members were in attendance. The quilts were then donated to children through Project Linus, which supplies blankets for children living in challenging circumstances: children in homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, in Hasbro Hospital, etc. Quilts from the heart continues to create quilts in memory of others, for children who need the comfort of a blanket, though Project Linus. At least once a year we have a dedication ceremony, where the quilts are draped throughout the church, and blessed during worship, before they are sent off to be a blessings to others. The Quilts from he Heart group gathers on Mondays in OOG from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. For more information, contact Diane Amaral, 508-269-9805.