Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction or Spiritual Accompaniment is an ancient art of spiritual mentoring.  A trained and certified mentor will accompany you as you seek to grow and go more deeply into your spiritual journey.  Usually clients meet with a spiritual director for a one-on-one monthly session.  


Sr. Joanne Fahey, (Pastor Linda’s Spiritual Director for the past 20 years) is also available for Spiritual Direction.  She is a Sister of the Cross and Passion of Jesus, the former principal of Prout High School, former Director of Our Lady of Calvary Retreat House in Farmington, CT, and a Spiritual Director Certified with Spiritual Director International.  She is available for one-on-one spiritual direction sessions, and also for individual silent and guided weekend or week-long retreats.  For more info or to set up an appointment, email or call her at 401-241-9143.